Thursday, September 27, 2012

Dear Leaders, Wikileaks, War on Terror, Adnan Latif, Iran, Surveillance, TSA

Dear Leaders
War on Terror
Adnan Latif
  • Dead Gitmo detainee was cleared for release in 2009 --"The Guantanamo detainee found dead in his prison cell last weekend had been cleared for release three years ago by an Obama administration task force that concluded that his detention was no longer necessary...."
  • Guantanamo prisoner's tragic letter Salon.
  • Chronicle of a death foretold--"Latif had placed his faith in the fairness and impartiality of the US legal system and it failed him utterly, inventing new grounds to keep him incarcerated and in the words of the dissenting judge, 'moving the goalposts' in order to ensure that no matter what evidence existed regarding his innocence he would remain behind bars."