- Creationism Commotion: Five states have anti-evolution bills in play
- Creationism spreading in schools, thanks to vouchers
- Texas Public Schools: Still Teaching Creationism—"In Texas public schools, children learn that the Bible provides scientific proof that Earth is 6,000 years old, that the origins of racial diversity trace back to a curse placed on Noah's son, and that astronauts have discovered 'a day missing in space' that corroborates biblical stories of the sun standing still."
- Texas Ed Board Chair Wants Science Textbooks to Teach 'Another Side' on Evolution
- Louisiana senator asks if E. coli evolve into persons
- Missouri lawmaker wants to redefine science to include "faith-based philosophy," force creationism into science class
- Colorado Creationism Bill Dies in Committee
- Physicist Lawrence Krauss on teaching creationism: It's a form of child abuse
- Teaching creationism as science insults people of faith
- France to deport radical Muslim clerics
- Danish critic of Islam says gunman shot at him, then fled
- Will Syria Become An Islamist State?
- UK: Muslim preacher urges followers to claim 'Jihad Seeker's Allowance'—Parasites.
- Preachers of hate who spread their violent word on British TV channels—"Muslim fundamentalists have used British television channels to preach in favour of violent crime and killing 'apostates'."
- Nigeria polio vaccinators shot dead in Kano
- Islamists denounce Valentine's Day as an excuse for forbidden sex, ban gift-buying in Indonesia
- "Burkas for babies": Saudi cleric's new fatwa causes controversy
- Singing is un-Islamic, says Grand Mufti to girls rock band
- To curb rape, Muslim group calls for end to co-ed schools in India
- Furious debate as teachers at Islamic College of SA's West Croydon campus ordered to wear hijab or face sack
- Indian caste councils praise families that carry out 'honour killings'
- Fifth of women in India and Egypt think internet use is 'inappropriate'—Probably around the same number who believe husbands can beat up their wives.
- Sex-selective practices may be common in families of Indian doctors—"Doctors' families in India are having more sons than daughters, reports a new study in the American journal Demography, implying that they too may be engaging in illegal son-preference practices including sex-selective abortions, a practice that is thought to be widespread in India."
- Saudi Arabia finally limits its religious police
- Detained: Egyptian sheikh who said it is 'halal' to rape female protesters
- Police arrest man who ordered woman to back of bus—"Ultra-Orthodox passenger harassed 22-year-old journeying from Safed to Ashdod."
- John Boehner: Ending Abortion Is 'One Of Our Most Fundamental Goals This Year'
- Obama Administration Announces New Policy On Contraception Mandate—Catholic bishops say the compromise isn't enough (Salon).
- Catholic hospital group apologizes for fetus lawsuit defense
- After Tiller: America's four late-term abortion doctors
- Journalist rips 'pro-life' Republicans for seeking to cut infant nutrition program
- New York City's Teen Pregnancy Rate Plummeted After High Schools Expanded Access To Plan B
- One teen dad, many mothers, 13 kids—"Shocked welfare workers foresee lives of poverty for children."
- How State Governments Are Regulating Away Abortion
- New Mexico Lawmaker Clarifies Her Bill Will Prosecute Doctors Who Perform Abortions For Rape Victims
- GOP Lawmakers In Iowa Introduce Bill To Define Abortion As Murder—They claim a person is "an individual human being, without regard to age of development, from the moment of conception, when a zygote is formed, until natural death."
- Michigan GOP Backs Off Transvaginal Ultrasound Bill
- Arizona Planned Parenthood Law Overturned By Federal Judge
- Wisconsin Republicans: Forcing Women To Undergo Transvaginal Ultrasounds Is Our 'Priority'
- Alabama Lawmaker Thinks a Fetus is "Largest Organ in the Body"
- Who will win the battle over birth control?—"A controversial new law pits the Philippines government against the country's predominant and powerful Catholic lobby."
- Carlos Celdran found guilty of 'offending religious feelings'
- The Catholic must choose—A Jesuit writes, "There is nothing in 'The Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act of 2012' which prevents a good Catholic from being a good Catholic."