Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Cybersecurity, Netizens, Censorship, AT&T, Throttling, Verizon, Net Neutrality

  • Leave Our Net Alone--"[W]hy are governments so eager to claim authority over [the Internet]? Why would legacy corporations, industries, and institutions egg them on? Because the net is working better than ever. Because they finally recognize how powerful it is and how disruptive it is to their power."
  • We, the Web Kids--"We grew up with the Internet and on the Internet. This is what makes us different; this is what makes the crucial, although surprising from your point of view, difference: we do not 'surf' and the internet to us is not a 'place' or 'virtual space'. The Internet to us is not something external to reality but a part of it: an invisible yet constantly present layer intertwined with the physical environment. We do not use the Internet, we live on the Internet and along it."
  • The Information Revolution Against Internet Censorship Begins!
Net Neutrality