Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Action Center, Earth; Bradley Manning; The U-turn President; Budget; Wisconsin; Courts and Corporations; Banks and Foreclosures; Anonymous: Boycott Sony

Action Center
The Earth's Destiny and Our Fates are Being Determined by Approximately 500 Wealthy Men and Corporations

Bradley Manning
The U-turn president: Barack Obama's top ten flip-flops

Budget-Conscious House GOP To Put ‘In God We Trust’ On All Buildings--A monumental waste of money, much less unconstitutional, and besides, the Founding Fathers had a national motto: E Pluribus Unum

Liberals Need to Take Court Races as Seriously as Corporations Do--Hopefully what happened in Wisconsin will be a wake-up call.

Banks and Foreclosures
'Anonymous' Plans Sony Boycott on April 16--I've been boycotting Sony for years ever since the rootkit fiasco, and the GeoHotz debacle just reaffirms my observation that this company's actions to jack up its profits hurts legitimate consumers.