- Neil DeGrasse Tyson: Earth Will Survive Climate Change - We Won't
- Let's Call It 'Climate Disruption,' White House Science Adviser Suggests (Again)
- Carbon Dioxide in Our Air Hits an All-Time High
- GOP Climate Change Skeptic Becomes A True Believer After Sandy
- Youth Are Taking the Government to Court Over Its Failure to Address Climate Change
- In Landmark Class Action, Farmers Insurance Sues Local Governments For Ignoring Climate Change
- Aussies To Slash 90% Of Global Warming Funding From Budget—Some people just want to see the world burn.
- El Niño or Bust
- EPA Chief Returns Fire in War Over Science
- Scientific American Editor Has Proof Fox Told Him Not To Talk Climate Change
- Conservative CNN Host Tells Bill Nye That 'Science Guys' Are Bullies
- Wyoming Is First State To Reject Science Standards—"Wyoming, the nation's top coal-producing state, is the first to reject new K-12 science standards proposed by national education groups mainly because of global warming components."
- Study: It Is "Very Likely" That Scientists Are Confusing Us About Global Warming—"The United Nations' blockbuster climate reports are full of language that makes people doubt climate change."
- Murdoch-owned media hypes lone metereologist's climate junk science—"Absurd anti-science faux journalism flares up again - as usual, it's Big Oil that's set to benefit, not the public."
- Climate Change Grows Increasingly Boring to the Public, Worries Scientists
- God Controls the Climate, So You Can Relax—"I know, he's just a Tea Party candidate with almost no chance of election, but Greg Brannon, primary candidate for the GOP nomination for the U.S. Senate seat currently held by Kay Hagen, said in a debate the other night that God controls the climate." Another nutjob says Obama thinks he can change the weather.
- Republicans abandon Americans to the calamities of climate change
- Republicans Would Rather Blow Up the Budget Than Admit That Global Warming Is Real
- The G.O.P. Can't Ignore Climate Change—"It’s bad politics not to address the challenges we face." NYT
- Krugman: Crazy Climate Economics—"How environmentalism became a Marxist plot." NYT
- Krugman: Points of No Return—"False doctrines on climate science have become badges of identity for Republicans, and that’s more frightening than some of the environmental change underway." NYT
- House Votes To Deny Climate Science And Ties Pentagon's Hands On Climate Change
- Wheel of Fortune Host Pat Sajak Backtracks From Climate-Change Tweet
- Letter to the Editor: Charles Krauthammer misses the mark on climate change WaPo
- Koch-funded PAC slammed! Global warming is "not something you turn on and off" Salon
- The rise and fall of America's climate deniers: How politics hijacked the fight against global warming—"Partisan rhetoric has stymied real action on climate change, but there's still hope, says philosopher Dale Jamieson." Salon
- Environmentalists Have Succeeded in Making Noise — Is Anybody Listening?—"Efforts to make climate deniers pay a political price for their views may finally be getting somewhere."
- Tom Steyer announces $100 million attack on GOP climate 'deniers'
- The House Science Committee Has Held More Hearings on Aliens Than on Climate Change
- Massive Iceberg Six Times The Size Of Manhattan Breaks Off Antarctica
- Glaciers draining Antarctic basin destabilized, big sea level rise all but certain—"There's little that will stop continued retreat of Antarctic glaciers."
- Glacial Region's Melt Past 'Point of No Return,' NASA Says
- For first time in 15 years, drought hits 100% of California LATimes
- California Gov. On Drought, Wildfires: 'Humanity Is On A Collision Course With Nature'
- California drought taking a toll on jobs, economy
- California Drought Threatens Food Supply of All Americans; Collapsing Aquifer Sinking the Land
- Taco Bell Reveals Its Mystery Beef Ingredients
- Coca-Cola Removes Controversial Flame Retardant Chemical From Its Powerade Drinks
- Nestle Purina Sues Over Pet Food Competitor Claims
- Vermont governor signs GMO food labeling into law
- Italian factory makes bad mozzarella, 13 arrests—"Police in Italy have shut down a mozzarella factory and arrested 13 people after finding that prized local buffalo milk was being cut with cheaper imported cow milk."
- Kraft recalls cottage cheese citing illness risk
- 1,000 dog deaths linked to 'toxic jerky treats'—"[M]ost of the questionable treats came from China."
- Hamburger nearly kills Michigan man
- Missouri Rep. Wants to Criminalize Finding Out Where Your Diseased Meat Came From
- Ag-Gag laws: Idaho is criminalizing muckraking to protect farmers—"Why do American farmers need some of the strongest anti-whistleblower laws in the land?"
- Bill would make aerial photos, GPS data of farms off-limits
- Abuse of veal calves unveiled by hidden camera—"A CTV W5 investigation, Cruel Business, reveals horrific cruelty and mistreatment of veal calves in Quebec."
- State court allows 'pink slime' lawsuit to proceed—" The South Dakota Supreme Court is allowing a $1.2 billion defamation lawsuit to proceed against television network ABC over its coverage of a meat product that critics derided as 'pink slime.'"
- My protesting isn't terrorism: How Big Ag teamed with lawmakers to criminalize speech—"Activists are being prosecuted for challenging the interests of business. I should know — I spent 40 months in jail."