- Morpheus lander: VTOL test package video
- New Catalog Brings NASA Software Down to Earth
- Interview with man who discovered lost Challenger photos
- Astronaut's Near-Drowning Could Have Been Avoided
- The audacious rescue plan that might have saved space shuttle Columbia—"The untold story of the rescue mission that could have been NASA's finest hour."
- Every single satellite orbiting Earth, in a single image
- Mysterious 'flying saucer' slides found in documents leaked by Edward Snowden
- How Nuclear Bombs Could Save Earth from Killer Asteroids
- NASA Can't Ethically Send Astronauts on One-Way Missions to Deep Space
- How Many People Does It Take to Colonize Another Star System?—"A multigenerational journey between stars would require a lot more passengers than scientists previously thought."
- An Intergalactic Travel Bureau in Midtown—"'Can I interest you in a space vacation?' asked a smiling travel agent wearing a jaunty hat…"
- 'Biggest observed meteorite impact' hits Moon
- 'It came back to life': China’s Jade Rabbit snaps out of silence but mechanical kinks remain
- If the Moon Were Only 1 Pixel
- Ten Years on Mars for NASA Rovers Spirit and Opportunity!
- NASAs Mars Curiosity rover has taken the first picture of Earth and our Moon from the surface of the red planet
- NASAs Mars orbiter sees signs of seasonal water flow on Mars surface
- NASA photo captures strange bright light coming out of Mars
- India's Mars mission crosses half the distance—A trip to Mars doesn't have to break the bank [NYT].
- Nasa says 'doughnut rock' on Mars is 'like nothing we've ever seen before'
- "Astrobiologist" sues NASA, says Mars rock a "mushroom-like fungus"
- Mars Rover Heads Uphill After Solving 'Doughnut' Riddle
- Bolivia gives legal rights to the Earth
- China Finds Nearly 2,000 Firms in Breach of Anti-pollution Rules
- Guinea to strip Beny Steinmetz company of mining concessions—"Decision marks turning point in two-year battle between billionaire and Guinea's first democratically-elected government."
- Scientists say Australia's Tony Abbott is engineering an 'environmental train wreck'
- Poachers Attack Beloved Elders of California, Its Redwoods—"Thieves who target burls, protrusions on trees that are valued for their intricately patterned wood, are driven by a sluggish economy and costly methamphetamine habits, officials said." NYT
- Shark fin trade from Hong Kong to China drops almost 90 per cent in one year—"WWF-Hong Kong says sales to mainland down 90pc because of pressure from green groups and possibly campaign against extravagance."
- Belgium Crushes its Elephant Ivory As Europe Takes Harder Look at Wildlife Trafficking
- New York-based Wedding Photographer Turns Her Lens from White Dresses to Wildlife Trafficking
- NC commission appeals ruling giving it authority to halt coal ash pollution—What the fuck is this shit?
- Obama rejects call by 11 Democrats to move on Keystone pipeline—"But President Obama still faces a tough political choice: Reject the Keystone XL oil pipeline and risk tipping the Senate to Republicans, or support it and alienate elements of his party's base."
- California drought gives boost to anti-fracking movement
- Oil Vote Deadline Looms for Ecuador's Yasuní National Park
- EU 'unhappy' climate change is off G20 agenda—"Europe is unhappy with Australia's decision to drop climate change from the G20 agenda and is lobbying the Abbott government to reconsider."
- Carbon Dioxide Levels Climb Into Uncharted Territory for Humans
- IPCC report says climate change is bad news for crops
- FSU Students to Charles Koch: Stop Polluting Academic Integrity—"Evidence of Florida State University's economics department denying climate science amid criticism of Charles Koch's threats to FSU academic integrity."
- New study: 72 Percent of Fox News Climate Segments Are Misleading—"The report finds that MSNBC was the most accurate cable network in 2013, and CNN could be a lot more accurate if it would stop hosting "debates" about climate science."
- 'SNL' Mocks 'Fox And Friends' And Its Climate Change Coverage
- Are Google and Facebook Just Pretending They Want Limits on NSA Surveillance?—"The front groups they’ve set up to oppose the 'Fourth Amendment Protection Act' suggest the answer is 'yes.'"
- Facebook received 28,147 government requests for data impacting 38,256 accounts in the second half of 2013
- CIA and White House under pressure after Senate torture report leaks—"Senate committee found CIA interrogations and detentions to be 'brutal' and urges administration to release report as quickly as possible."
- NSA denies report it exploited Heartbleed for years
- Why Massive Auto Recalls Are Becoming the Norm