- Egypt on edge after at least 278 killed in bloodiest day since revolution—Up to 525 dead now.
- Doctors Without Borders pulls out of Somalia: militants, leaders tolerate attacks on NGOs
- The Colombian Government Is Killing Its Peasant Farmers for Their Land
- Israel: Students offered grants if they tweet pro-Israeli propaganda
- Animation legend Hayao Miyazaki under attack in Japan for anti-war film
- Manning Apologizes for Leaks: 'My Actions Hurt People' NYT
- Obama's 'Misleading' Comment on Whistleblower Protections
- Journalist Michael Hastings reportedly working on story about CIA chief before death
- If Obama wanted an 'open debate' on NSA spying, why thwart one for so long?—"The president asks us to trust him on government surveillance, yet his administration constantly denigrates critics as unpatriotic."
- EFF: A Guide to the Deceptions, Misinformation, and Word Games Officials Use to Mislead the Public About NSA Surveillance
- Intelligence committee urged to explain if they withheld crucial NSA document—"Critics demand answers from chairman Mike Rogers after claims that committee failed to share document before key vote."
- Barry Ritholtz's Cheat-Sheet On Spying
- Yes, Gmail users have an expectation of privacy—"Sending email to Gmail users means you expect Google's servers will process it."
- Poll: Most Americans Oblivious About Our Falling Deficit
- Rise in TSP loans, withdrawals accompanies furloughs—"Federal employees have been taking out loans and financial hardship withdrawals from their retirement savings accounts at an increasing rate in recent months, new data from the 401(k)-style Thrift Savings Plan data show."
- Americans Giving Up Passports Jump Sixfold as Tougher Rules Loom
- The historic unpopularity of Congress — in one chart
- The Pariah Shortage—"Graydon Carter writes of our failure to appoint new 'pariahs' due to the subprime-mortgage crisis and Iraq war blunders"
- Walker forced to back off from arresting observers of Solidarity Sing Along
- Three Republicans Who Opposed Sandy Relief Now Demand Disaster Aid For Arizona
- Corporate Lobbying Group ALEC Put Falsified Signatures On A Letter To A Senator, Group Finds
- Is there an Ultra-Conservative Conspiracy to keep Americans dumb and ignorant?
- GOP congressman invites controversial Obama-mask rodeo clown to perform in Texas
- 'Citizen Koch' Rescued By Small Donors As Documentary Outraises Funds Pulled By PBS
- Video: Koch Brothers Exposed
- New Jersey Republicans Nominate Koch Brothers Operative For Senate
- Gov. Cuomo got $100,000 from developer, then signed law giving it big tax breaks
- Jeff Zucker's 15-year-old son leaves Cory Booker's Internet startup over 'conflict' of interest—"Andrew Zucker resigned from advisory board after it was revealed Booker got stock options from startup, which receives investment funds from wealthy Silicon Valley tycoons, such as Google's Eric Schmit."
- Thank you, Tallahassee, for making us pay so much for nothing—"Thanks for passing a law forcing Duke Energy customers to pay up to $1.5 billion in higher rates for a long proposed nuclear power plant in Levy County that will not be built."
- Rubio: Pass Immigration Reform or Obama the Tyrant Will Do Even Worse
- Wisconsin DOT official likens illegal immigrants to Satan, then quickly fired
- Meet the Immigration Reformers in Steve King's Iowa—"America's most anti-immigrant congressman is an outlier—even in Iowa's most conservative county."
- 92-Year-Old Black Woman Sues Just Hours After North Carolina Gov. Signs Voter ID Law
- North Carolina's Attack on Voting Rights
- Hillary Clinton Calls Voter Fraud a 'Phantom Epidemic'
- Jack Villamaino, Former GOP Candidate, Gets 4 Months In Jail For Felony Voter Fraud
- After Shelby, Voting-Law Changes Come One Town at a Time—"Just over a month after the Supreme Court overturned a key provision of the Voting Rights Act, seven states — five of which were covered under the law — are moving ahead with voting changes that could affect the 2014 Congressional election."
- Texas Brags To Court That It Drew District Lines To 'Increase The Republican Party's Electoral Prospects'
- Rick Santorum Illegally Directed $1 Million Contribution To Super PAC: FEC Complaint