- House GOP takes our environment hostage—"Republicans intend to slash the federal Environmental Protection Agency's budget by as much as a third."
- House Votes To Block Light Bulb Efficiency Standards
- House GOP Cuts Funding for Lead Removal in Half
- Arizona: APS seeks higher bills for new solar customers—"Arizona Public Service Co. is proposing charging customers who install rooftop solar panels $50 to $100 or more a month to cover the cost of maintaining the power grid."
- Why Do Protesters Against Egregious Environmental and Financial Misconduct Get Arrested, But Not Corporate Perpetrators?
- State Department Admits It Doesn't Know Keystone XL's Exact Route
- John Boehner Lies And Won't Tell America About His Personal Investment in Keystone XL
- Barack Obama expresses reservations about Keystone XL pipeline project
- Canada: The Alberta Oil Sands Have Been Leaking for 9 Weeks
- Louisiana Agency Sues Dozens of Energy Companies for Damage to Wetlands NYT
- Halliburton to Plead Guilty to Destroying Evidence in Gulf Oil Spill
- Tokyo Electric Power Company admits Fukushima leaking radioactive water into Pacific Ocean
- Flipside: China cancels $6 billion uranium plant after protest
- Fracking's Latest Scandal? Earthquake Swarms—"Turns out that when a barely regulated industry injects highly pressurized wastewater into faults, things can go terribly wrong."
- Ninety Percent of Pennsylvanians Want Fracking Companies to Reveal Toxic Chemicals
- Fracking research: What's behind EPA's abandoned studies?
- George Osborne unveils 'most generous tax breaks in world' for fracking—"Environmental groups furious as chancellor sets 30% rate for shale gas producers in bid to enhance UK energy security."
- Ohio lawmakers who oppose fracking tax have gotten lots of money from frackers
- The North Pole Has Melted. Again
- Climate Change 'Climate of Fear': Reporter Blows Whistle on Reuters—"The media giant's hostility to covering global warming extends all the way from top editors to low-level bureacrats, whistleblower reveals."
- Google hosts fundraiser for climate change denying US senator
- Voters think Republican climate dissenters are 'ignorant, out of touch or crazy,' bipartisan poll finds
- "Ridiculous pseudo-science garbage": Meet the GOP's environment leaders!—"How do the 8 Republicans who sit on the Senate Environment Committee feel about climate change? We break it down." Salon
- Insurance Industry, Republicans Split on Climate Change
- Democrats looking to build support for new climate change action
- Brazil's Army Moves To Protect Indigenous Awá Tribe By Halting Illegal Logging
- Amazon deforestation up sharply, group says
- Pope Speaks out on Amazon During Brazil Trip—"Pope Francis took on the defense of the Amazon and the environment near the end of his weeklong trip to Brazil, as he donned a colorful Indian headdress Saturday and urged that the rainforest be treated as a garden."
- US colonel caught smuggling carved ivory from Kenya
- Elephant tusks are the new blood diamonds—"African insurgencies are now using illegal ivory to fund their activities across the continent." Salon
- Poachers Kill Two Kenya Wildlife Service Officers
- Blue and beaked whales affected by simulated navy sonar, new studies show
- Philippines finds huge hoard of endangered species
- RCMP investigating trespassing complaint after 'damning' video reveals 'neglectful' conditions at Alberta zoo—"The owner of a beleaguered private zoo in Alberta says people who secretly shot a behind-the-scenes video of his cages and animals are nothing but domestic terrorists." Yeah right.
- China hit by largest-ever algae bloom
- U.S. drops unarmed bombs on Great Barrier Reef
- Scientists discover what's killing the bees and it's worse than you thought
- Scientists confirm: Pesticides kill America's honey bees
- Oregon Bans Pesticides Following Major Bee Deaths
- Elmwood, Ontario apiarist devasted at sudden loss of more than 600 hives
- Blast from the Past: Decline of bees forces China's apple farmers to pollinate by hand
- Monsanto to withdraw EU approval requests for new GMO crops
- Dutch City of Rotterdam Bans Monsanto Glyphosate Roundup Herbicide
- 79 Monsanto teen workers hospitalized after being crop dusted
- Another win for Monsanto: US raises allowable levels of company’s pesticide in crops
- Monsanto Seeks to Control World's Food
- A hungry world: Lots of food, in too few places
- Chipotle becomes first U.S. restaurant chain to try and rid menu of GMO foods
- Cal-Maine to Pay $28 Million to Settle Egg Antitrust Litigation—"Sodexo Inc. filed suit against the nation's largest egg trade group--including Cal-Maine--and certain egg farmers alleging they conspired to limit domestic supply by killing hens under the pretext of treating the remaining animals more humanely by giving them more cage room, according to a report by the Los Angeles Times in January 2011." WSJ
- Parched New Mexico Reservoir Reveals Effects of Prolonged Drought
- China's Coal-Fired Economy Dying of Thirst as Mines Lack Water
- Pakistan's new big threat isn't terrorism—it's water
- Holder's Letter to Moscow: We Won't Torture or Kill Snowden—Note: Water-boarding still isn't considered torture, as Sean Hannity has yet to determine.
- Edward Snowden better off in Russia than US, his father says
- NSA surveillance program has had compliance problems, intelligence official says
- Resisting the surveillance state—"George W. Bush and Dick Cheney spent eight years choking personal privacy to within an inch of its life. After they were done, Barack Obama showed up, expressed heartfelt sympathy and stood on its throat. But despite their efforts, it isn't quite dead. Last week, it showed definite signs of life." Chicago Times
- Edward Snowden's not the story. The fate of the internet is—"The press has lost the plot over the Snowden revelations. The fact is that the net is finished as a global network and that US firms' cloud services cannot be trusted."