- Treasury: No, we won't mint $1 trillion platinum coin to avoid debt ceiling
- Krugman: Lazy Jon Stewart--May have to brush up on his economics.
- Drum: Platinum Coins and Banana Republics
- Obama press conference: Refusing to raise debt ceiling 'absurd'--Republicans playing politcs to preserve their primary victories.
- Secretary Geithner Sends Debt Limit Letter to Congress--"Even a temporary default with a brief interruption in payments that Congress subsequently restores would be terribly damaging, calling into question the willingness of Congress to uphold America's longstanding commitment to meet the obligations of the nation in full and on time."
- Debt debate: No easy path to avoid chaos
- Krugman Slams GOP For Debt Ceiling Threat On ABC's This Week: 'This Is Hostage-Taking'
- Half of Republicans in Congress Are Apparently Cool With America Defaulting--One of them says of shutting down the government: "It's a good thing."
- America’s Productivity Climbs, but Wages Stagnate--"The debt-ceiling debate is unlikely to alter one major factor contributing to income inequality: stagnant wages." NYT
- The Five-Step Process to Cheat the Middle Class Worker
- Labor mural removed by Maine gov. back on display Salon
- Ben & Jerry's: Stamping out big money in politics
- Comedy Central star Colbert to reward Pitt students who solved super-PAC puzzle
- 2012: Reviewing the year of the super PAC
- Dysfunction Junction: Why the GOP resembles a failed state.
- Bob Schieffer Grills John McCain: Why Is The GOP 'Against Every Single Person' Obama Nominates?
- No Longer the 'Party of Eisenhower and Reagan'--"Republican opposition to defense secretary nominee Chuck Hagel reveals just how far the party's thinking has drifted on foreign policy."
- Powell: GOP has 'a dark vein of intolerance'
- The House GOP can't be beat: It's worse than gerrymandering
- Obama Will Seek Citizenship Path in One Fast Push NYT
- Residents in Arizona town feel 'invaded by Border Patrol'--"Many locals in and around Bisbee say agents and new security infrastructure have created a military-like occupation in their once-sleepy hamlets."
- Immigration enforcement: $18 billion spent more than all other federal law enforcement combined
- Goldman bankers set for bonus windfall as profits rise--"Goldman Sachs bankers are poised for a bigger windfall when bonuses are handed out later this month after the US investment bank enjoyed a stronger 2012."
- Paying the Price, but Often Deducting It--"In many cases when the government reaches a financial settlement with a corporation, the companies later deduct the payments on their taxes." NYT
- Blast from the Past: Why Economists Failed to Predict the Financial Crisis