- Exposing Kids To 10 Hours Of Science A Year Makes Them Smarter
- Omaha schoolgirl dresses as a different historical figure each day
- Argentina's Senate passes bill to lower voting age from 18 down to 16
- Outlaw possession of written accounts of child abuse says MP
- Australian Medical Association president calls for legal drinking age to be lifted to 25
- Cops think pen is a rifle round, lock down Hopatcong High School
- Ban under-threes from watching television, says study
- Russia Wants To Ban Children From Using WiFi
- Noted smut rag The New Yorker banned from Facebook for obscene cartoon
- The Man Who Banned Tintin From A Stockholm Library… For One Day
- CBLDF: Seattle Area Resident Shocked at Yaoi Manga, Asks Library to Revise Circulation Policy
- Australia: Sorry for 30-year adoption policy--"The Federal Government will formally apologise to families torn apart by forced adoptions."
- China's stolen children--""Chinese authorities have hailed the success of an operation last week in which they arrested 800 human traffickers and rescued nearly two hundred children."
- Spanish Baby-Snatching Victims Seek Answers and Justice--These Niños Robados have been living a lie.
- India slowly confronts epidemic of missing children
- A new use for 404 pages: appeals for missing children
- Jerry Sandusky gets 30 to 60 years for child sex abuse
- Jerry Sandusky's court ramble reflects 'banal self-delusion'
- Sandusky begins grim transition to prison
- Jerry Sandusky and the Mind of a Pedophile --"Children constantly surrounded Sandusky, so much so that they became part of his persona," Joe Posnanski writes in his new biography of Jerry Sandusky's boss, the former Penn State head coach Joe Paterno.
- Prison sentence doesn't end Sandusky saga at Penn State
- History of boarding school 'torture' uncovered in Switzerland--"Thousands of children fell victim to violence and abuse in Catholic boarding schools in Switzerland up until the 1970s, according to a recent study decrying "sadistic" practices resembling 'torture.'"
- Doing What's Best for the Tribe--"Two-year-old 'Baby Veronica' was ripped from the only home she's known. The court made the right decision." The Indian Child Welfare Act was ignored despite Veronica's Native American heritage being known throughout the entire adoption process.
- Don't ask your grandson how his jaw got broken, say social workers--"An alarming story about a boy in foster care raises concern over 'child protection.'"
- 8 girls charged in London, Ont. bullying case
- Japan: Kids and Laughing Teachers Bullied Suicide Teen
- Did Anonymous Unmask the Wrong Guy in Its Hunt for the Man Who Allegedly Drove a Teen to Suicide?--Did the wrong guy get doxxed?
- Cyberbullying-linked suicides rising, study says
- Mark Millar, others team up to take down online bully
- In Victory for Common Sense, Minnesota Will Allow Free Online Courses After All
- My daughter can't be average Salon
- SMBC: College Degrees