- Why Economic Populism Is a Winning Strategy for Obama
- Sen. Bernie Sanders blasts economic inequality: This is not what democracy looks like
- The powerless American worker--"For the most part, employees can get fired for anything from wearing the wrong color shirt to having an affair."
- U.S. Standard of Living Has Fallen More Than 50%: Opinion
- Raise the Minimum Wage--"Here’s an unhappy observation about the minimum wage: Congress last increased the rate in stages in 2006, topping it out at $7.25 an hour in 2009, or $15,080 a year. That amount, when adjusted for inflation, is actually lower than what a minimum-wage worker earned in 1968 and is too meager to offer anyone the chance to climb out of poverty, let alone afford basic goods and services."
- What If the Greedy Rich Paid Their Share? 8 Things to Know About Wealth and Poverty in the US
- 10 Things Republicans Don't Want You to Know About Taxes
- Not A Millionaire? You're A Jackass If You Vote Republican
- GOP Rep. Tiberi Defends Tax Hikes For The Poor Because They ‘Don’t Have Skin In The Game’
- Robert Reich: Why We Must Raise Taxes on the Rich
- Romney Tax Tips: 10 Ways to Stiff the IRS
- Loopholes: Spending Dressed Up as Tax Cuts?
- Tax-Us '5 percenters' group holds S.F. rally
- For Two Economists, the Buffett Rule Is Just a Start Salon
- Americans Favor "Buffett Rule" by 60% to 37%--Apparently, the Senate doesn't favor it at all.
- France tightens grip on super rich--"French election candidates François Hollande and Jean-Luc Mélenchon promise to cap fat cat salaries and change tax system."
- This American Life: Take the Money and Run for Office--"For anyone who has ever heard the term 'Washington insider' and felt outside — we are with you. So this week, we go inside the rooms where the deals get made, to the actual moment that the checks change hands — and we ask the people writing and receiving the checks what, exactly, is the money buying?"
- Why Lobbyists Dodge Calls From Congressmen--"We imagine the lobbyist stalking the halls of Congress trying to use cash to influence important people. But it doesn't always work that way. Often, the Congressman is stalking the lobbyist, asking for money."
- Supreme Court case with the feel of a best seller--Gaming the legal system
- How Political Corruption Is Responsible for 80% Of Your Cell Phone Bill
- Corruption Is Why You Can’t Do Your Taxes in Five Minutes
- Who Wants Taxes To Be More Complicated?--"An unholy alliance of tax prep firms and conservative activists, that’s who."
- Ethics Complaint Filed Against 43 Republican WI Legislators Alleging Inappropriate Gifts from ALEC
- Mayor's speed cameras would help political ally
- The High Cost of Gambling on Oil--"Because of speculation, today’s oil prices of about $100 a barrel have become disconnected from the costs of extraction, which average $11 a barrel worldwide. Pure speculators account for as much as 40 percent of that high price...." NYT
- These Five Guys Bribed Congress And Got $20 Billion Dollars For It
- America’s gas entitlement problem--"Even at $4 a gallon, Americans are paying far, far less at the pump than the rest of the world." Salon
- How billionaires destroy democracy Salon
- Scientific American: How Wealth Reduces Compassion
- Five Reasons Why The Very Rich Have NOT Earned Their Money
- 6 Things Rich People Need to Stop Saying
- Cenk slams millionaire CNN host Erin Burnett for 'protecting the rich'
- Spanish king criticized for elephant hunting trip
- $30,000 Watch Vanishes Up Church Leader’s Sleeve NYT
- Pile-up on Japanese expressway claims 14 luxury cars, including eight Ferraris and a Lamborghini, in what may be the most expensive car wreck of all time.
- California mansion fire sale: the fall of a billion-dollar realtor
- Unveiled: Britain's first £2m underground mansion designed to keep away prying eyes